Monday, February 7, 2011

Tiny place.

Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.
Gustave Flaubert


Alyssa Ast said...

Beautiful picture. It looks so calm and relaxing.

IstvanBloggin' said...

I agree with Alyssa, beautiful photo and a great match, i like how you focused on occupying places.
Interesting thing how we occupy spaces we dwell in, some of them only for a short time. Especially in urban environment where we have a lack of space.

Luísa Santos said...

Thanks Alyssa and thanks Thinker :)
I like the quote very much. It's very true, travels change us. in many ways, I think it helps us to understand how all people are interesting and how the differences are the most enriching and beautiful thing. we learn to respect the differences and loving it with traveling, I believe.
People have nice ways to occupy space, true. in urban centers or even in a caffé is so fun to see how some people prefer to stay in the center as others go to corners where they can't be seen.

Drummer said...

this is very true...

IstvanBloggin' said...

Glad you liked the post Drummer.