Make houses shrink And trees diminish By going far; my look's leash Dangles the puppet-people Who, unaware how they dwindle, Laugh, kiss, get drunk, Nor guess that if I choose to blink They die.
Sylvia Plath is one of my favourite poets. She has a quite peculiar way of looking at the world, always very critic and sharp. 'puppet-people'. wonderfully matched :)
Thinker and Luisa are back, one year later, with the blog Quoted Images, Imaged Quotes. Very much look forward to seeing you around and reading your comments and suggestions. Thinker and Luisa, November 2010
Sylvia Plath is one of my favourite poets. She has a quite peculiar way of looking at the world, always very critic and sharp. 'puppet-people'. wonderfully matched :)
Glad you like her poems, she is one of my favourite poets too.
Interesting photo, where is it taken?
in Cologne, a big house which is home for a private art collection. it's a quite impressive place.
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